Fertility Evaluation

Our services

Fertility Evaluation

Remember, the first step towards INFERTILITY is correct DIAGNOSIS and NOT Treatment.

Causes of infertility are many and varied and involve male, female, or a combination of factors. Before we determine the best treatment plan for you, Zoi will investigate you further.

Female Tests

Hormonal tests

  • AMH blood test to measure ovarian reserve hormone. This simple blood test provides a very good estimate of the number of eggs that you still have in your ovaries.
  • FSH and LH are other hormonal values to indicate the quality and quantity of eggs that may be produced each month.
  • TSH levels to rule out thyroid issues.
  • Prolactin levels are commonly seen raised in patients failing to conceive.
  • Sexually Transmitted diseases testing like HIV, HbsAg, HCV,  VDRL
Ultrasound scan

An ultrasound scan allows us to check:

  • The Antral Follicular Count
  • Any fibroids or polyps
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Size of your ovaries and number of small follicles
  • Evaluate the endometrial status and
  • Any associated anomalies
Additional Advanced Tests
  • Sonohysterogram- a relatively non-invasive test, to check the uterine cavity and tubes.
  • HysteroSalpingoGram – using X-rays to confirm the fallopian tubes are open
  • Hysteroscopy –  becomes an important test with failed IUIs, and before undergoing IVF.
  • Endometrial biopsy, which involves taking a small amount of tissue from the uterine lining (or endometrium).
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy, rarely done, is one of the most invasive of fertility tests. This test is only done when symptoms point to possible endometriosis or unexplained infertility.
Male Fertility Test
  • Semen Testing: Semen analysis is the main and first fertility test done for men to check their fertility status. Semen sample provided by the man is processed in the lab and evaluated.
  • DNA Fragmentation: Less than 10% of clinics perform DNA frgmentation test, but is gaining popularity as a gold standard test for sperm viability. DNA fragmentation helps to know the potential of the sperms in fertilisation, growth of embryos, implantation, miscarriages and abnormality in the child.
  • Sonography: Ultrasound or sonography could be done, to evaluate the seminal vesicles and scrotum. If the man has any physical or childhood trauma, then a physical exam by a urologist or Fertility Specialist should be done.
  • Hormonal Tests: Men can have hormonal changes affecting sperm production. Usually, serum FSH and testosterone tests are done, and sometimes also LH, estradiol, or prolactin.
  • Infectious: STD testing needs to be done to rule out any infectious status.
  • Biopsy: The Testicular biopsy is an advanced test, which involves the removal of testicular tissue via a minor surgical procedure and sent for testing and evaluation.
  • Vasography: It is a specialized X-ray that is used to look for obstructions of the male reproductive organs
Couple Fertility Tests

If the above tests do not yield results, we recommend for couple’s tests, to be done on both partners. The commonest among them is the genetic karyotype test.

Our expert opinion

Fertility testing can be complicated and stressful. Please meet Dr Yashodhara and get a better understanding of these tests. This will help you feel more comfortable and the process will become acceptable, helping you get pregnant.

Speak to the Fertility Physician, Dr Yashodhara
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