egg donor ivf zoi

Donor Egg IVF

when you cannot use self eggs, the best ivf treament option

Donor Egg IVF

Comparing Self Eggs vs Donor Eggs IVF

Usually, in a routine IVF, the woman takes stimulation medications to produce eggs in her ovaries. She undergoes an egg retrieval procedure and the eggs retrieved are fertilized by our embryologist with the husband’s sperms in the Lab. These embryos are finally transferred into the uterus again, hoping for a conception. This is called routine or conventional IVF.

The process of Egg Donation typically involves extracting eggs from a woman who has willingly come forward to donate her eggs. These oocytes retrieved from the donor, are fertilized with Male partner’s sperms in a laboratory and the resultant embryos are then transferred into the recipient’s (intending mother) uterus. In Donor Egg IVF, the intended mother will not be genetically related to her child, the intended father will be, as his sperms are used.

Why Donor IVF?

As one of our patients probably put it in the right context for all of us. He said to his wife, “Do you want your own genetic child or do you want to complete our family?”. And that is a decision for only her to make.

Few common conditions where Donor Egg IVF / ICSI cycles are recommended.

  • High Age (usually above 40)
  • A single male wanting to become a Father
  • Genetic carrier of some disease which may get passed on female’s side
  • Low AMH or low ovarian reserve
  • Post Cancer therapy
  • Unexplained or multiple failed IVF cycles
  • Multiple miscarriages
Finding an Egg Donor

As per Indian laws, Egg Donors can donate eggs for other couples. The Egg Donor option is usually given by the doctor under whom you are taking treatment. Importantly, with new ART Act, you can avail a donor option only from an ART Bank. is an ART bank registered under Zoi Fertility, and provides egg donors to the couples.

At Zoi Fertility, we do have a pool of egg donors who are routine donors and specialize in sourcing educated donors whom we call, “DIVA”. Yes, they do are more expensive, but like routine Donors, they are married, have children, proven fertility, and proven EDUCATION, and proven INTELLIGENCE.

Success rates for IVF / ICSI with Donor Eggs

Donor Egg IVF has one of the highest success rates and best treatment options available in difficult cases and IVF / ICSI cycles. The success rate though depends on multiple factors, following are age-wise success rates

  • Women under 35 have a 65-75%
  • Women over 35 have a 50-55% chance

IVF/ ICSI with Donor Eggs is usually from healthy young girls in their twenties which do indeed increase the quality and success of the cycle. It’s like saying, a 40-year-old is actually trying at 20-years of age.

egg donor ivf
Oocyte Donors Options

There are two options for egg donors in our program

* Routine Donors: These Routine Donors are usually not educated or minimally educated and they do not have the expertise in any particular field and are either housewives or unskilled workers. These donors do not have much knowledge about their own or parents’ medical health concerns. These donors do have children. An important point to note is that they are not “not intelligent” as they never got an opportunity to be educated, also we are only checking their educational levels.

* Diva (Premium) Donors: These Diva Donors are educated and are the least graduates. They are able to fill the egg donor application form themselves and give details about their likings, hobbies, special skills, talents, medical health, background information, parental health status, etc. Their education, skillsets define their personality and usually are able to match with the parent’s high IQ.

specify your requirement

Select Donor Criteria

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Selected Value: 32
Selected Value: 5.2
Preferred Blood Groups
Preferred Skin Color
Minimum Education
Must Have Children
Only Vegeterian
Religion Preference
Types of Donor Eggs

There are two options for using the eggs from the donors.

* Frozen Oocytes: With the new ART laws Frozen Oocytes are not allowed.

* Fresh Eggs: The donor undergoes fresh egg pick up and those fresh eggs are used for fertilization with the husband sperms, on the same day of the egg retrieval. Once the embryos are created, they are transferred back to the mother.

Zoi Fertility is one of the prime centers in India, which started a frozen egg bank in 2015. We always have donors in our database of Routine and Diva donors.

Complete Breakdown of all costs

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Egg Donation Process

* Meet Clinic Doctor: Meet your doctor, discuss the options, be sure that the Oocyte Donor IVF option is the best option for you to conceive.

* Finalize on Donor Type: From knowing the options of using educated or routine donors, this decision marks an important aspect on how to proceed with the cycle, the time frames, and indeed the cost concerns.

* Finalize Donor:  The ART Bank, will share a pool of donors available as per your selection. This helps to make a final decision on the donor that you choose to finalize. Please note legally there are a few steps you need to finish which we will guide you as we proceed.

* Plan Cycle Dates: Now that the donor type and egg type are decided, you can finalize your cycle date and month.

* Donor Cycle: If it is a fresh cycle, the donor will undergo fresh egg pick up.

* IVF, then ET: In a fresh egg donor cycle, the woman’s cycle has to match the donor’s cycle (dates). Whenever the woman’s endometrium is ready, the eggs will be thawed, IVF/ICSI done, and then an Embryo Transfer performed.

Genetic or biological connection to my baby

Nearly every patient that I have met, has raised this query about the genetic link with the child. It’s true that the mother is not genetically related to the child. But half of the genetic link is from the loving partner with whom you always wanted a child. Also,

“Researchers at the Fundacion Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad in Spain and Stanford University released a research article. This article states the following. The woman who carries the child does pass on micro genetic material to your child during pregnancy. These are called “microRNAs” which are around the baby in the endometrial fluid. These microRNAs are absorbed by the fetus and do affect the child. Though the research isn’t complete, this early evidence does suggest that even in Donor IVF cycles, the carrying mother does play a role in the child genetically.”

Risks for Donor and Patient

The biggest risk for the patient is having multiple gestations (twins). This risk can be reduced by transferring fewer embryos or just blastocysts.

The other rare risk is the possibility that the donor herself may be suffering from unexplained infertility issues. This is difficult to diagnose, but taking egg donors who already have a child of their own, rules out that risk.

The risks for the donor are like any other woman undergoing IVF.  The biggest risk being OHSS (Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome). WIth the new ART Act that risk is also minimised.

Pricing or Costs Associated

The egg donor program now has to be altruistic. Egg donor cannot be compensated any money for donation. Though there will be costs associated with the testing, travel, injections and planning. 

Donor cost: Please discuss with the ART Bank and understand the complete costs. The IVF Costs will be routine, to know more Click here.

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